Expected Release: January, 2025.
THE BASE SET: Allure® Hockey returns with a 150-card Base Set consisting of 100 veteran standouts and 50 rookies - the latter falling two (2) per box, on average. From the popular Black Rainbow, Red Rainbow and Orange Slice parallels to the Blaster-exclusive Glitter Bomb parallel, the parallel lineup appeals to a wide variety of collectors, especially player and set collectors.
- Collect two (2) Black Rainbow, Red Rainbow or Orange Slice veteran or rookie parallel cards per box, on average.
- Also collect two (2) Glitter Bomb parallel cards per box, on average!
- Lucky collectors will pull a rare veteran or rookie Red Rainbow Auto parallel.
Note: Only the Black Rainbow parallels covers the complete Base Set.
MORE RAINBOW SETS! The beautiful and popular Color Flow insert returns with a stellar new design and an expanded checklist full of star players (including several future legends!) with a couple rookies sprinkled in. With the checklist now 60-deep, fans and collectors can build nearly twice as many rainbow sets than was possible in previous seasons.
A rainbow set can be constructed by lining up the Color Flow Red-Orange card of a particular player with the Orange-Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green-Blue and Blue-Purple versions. With one (1) Color Flow cards per box, on average, it’s easy to get rainbow sets started!
Color Flow Autos! There is also a Full Rainbow Auto version which features all six colors. The checklist for this set is larger, so there will be more rookies in this set.
MORE RETURNING FAVES! The ever-popular 16-Bit and Doubloons inserts are back and both sport a new design. The rare 16-Bit set will feature a mix of active stars (none of which have been in the set previously) and rookies, whereas the Doubloons set will feature a mix of active stars, top rookies and legends of the sport. This will be the first Doubloons card for some of the vets and legends.